Examining Human Behaviour: Learn About Quandaries

How many times during an ordinary day, do so many of us repeat actions even though they are illogical and irrational? Sometimes we might laugh when a friend commits such an error of judgment or just an action that cannot be explained. This article will focus on a combination of some of these actions. I have compiled a list of such actions that are so common that I would be surprised if every man or woman does not do at least ten of the following twenty. Don’t believe me? Read and check for yourself.

1) Why does the glue in a tube not stick to the tube itself?

2 ) Academic research has detailed reports stating that from a group of four men or women one will most certainly have a mental ailment of some kind or the other. Think about this calculation: if you have three normal friends, then you, unfortunately are the fourth one out. In other words, the fourth person with a mental illness is none other than you.

3) If you have either a television or a Video Receiver or a DVD or anything that needs a remote controller, this odd behaviour is familiar. Have you noticed that whenever the batteries begin to get dull, we press down harder? Are we expecting to squeeze more out of them?

4) Watched old (and even newer descriptions in film) about Tarzan. If he is supposed to be living in the wild, what happened to his beard?

5) Switched those bulbs that are enclosed in tight plastic shutters? Have you noticed that whenever you go to do that there are always dead bugs inside? How did they manage to get there?

6) Still use plastic bags instead of the more nature-friendly paper ones? Ok. Then, pray tell, why can’t I ever manage to open one on my 1st attempt?

7) Why do they use sterilized needles when injecting a convict on death role?

8) Have you noticed that if your bank account gets overdrawn, your bank will add an extra charge? Why do they do that? Should you maybe inform them that the reason your checkings account is overdrawn is because you don’t have money?

9) Why doesn’t anyone ever make fun of their father-in-law?

10) If people run into a sign near a park bench saying that the paint is wet, every one will touch it to check. If this is so, why don’t these same folk verify the star count of around four billion stars so stated according to various scientists?

11) How many times will be keep coming back and opening the door to the fridge when we are hungry? Do we really think that food will appear there miraculously?

12) Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest but ducks if after the bullets are over the gun is thrown at him?

13) I’m sure you’ve heard of the evolutionary claim that mankind has evolved from monkeys. Before I am to believe this, I want to know that if this is so why are monkeys still roaming earth?

14) If you are sitting by a table and something is accidentally falling off, don’t try and prevent its fall. Why? Every time you try, you will accidentally hit and break something else.

15) Heard of the Jap airplane pilots who towards the end of the Second World War crashed their planes into American naval ships? Why did these guys even think of wearing a helmet?

16) Use a vacuum cleaner at home? I do. But, explain to me why I move it over and over a piece of thread in the hopes that it will suck it in. Then, why do I pick up that rope, examine it and then place it back down and retry to suck it in using the vacuum cleaner?

17) A visit to one of the many soap shops that have sprung up all over and you’ll find that soaps come in all kinds of colours. But then, why does the bubbles always turn out white?

18) Why do we always try and get the house to be as warm as it was in summer even though we suffered from the heat in summer?

19) Is there any day when mattresses are not on sale?

20) Isn’t it silly that when if wandering through one of the large shopping malls someone doesn’t pay attention and the cart they are pushing smacks into your toes, and then they say sorry, all we can think of saying is that no harm was done while your toe is aching.

Conclusion: There are many more than the above twenty funny odd and strange details of a human being’s life, and I am always looking for more. Sometimes, just by traveling by bus you can notice so many oddities such as why do people pick up newspapers left behind on bus seats but never from anywhere else? Life is more than just funny. It is sometimes strange, sometimes ludicrous, sometimes tragic. Above, I have pointed out some of the most humourous I could think of.

By: Rammy Johnson

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