Clear the clutter

here have been so many times I have been overwhelmed with
the amount of clutter that has gathered in my home and my workspace. Sometimes it gets so much
I just can’t start for wondering where to start.

We are inundated every day with junk mail through the door, paperwork from
the kids school, paperwork from club meetings, and at work there is a mountain
of paperwork (although we are trying hard to be a ‘paperless office’).

Well it’s time to take your power back and clear it or bin it.

Plan a day to clear the clutter

Take a full day, plan it and tell your family what you are doing and get rid
of them for the day. Go through all the drawers in the kitchen and clear
the paperwork. One pile for the bin and one pile to be filed. Clear
the rest of the clutter from the drawers once the paperwork’s been sorted.

Go through all the cupboards and do the same there. One room at a time,
one cupboard at a time. Depending on the size of the house you should
have cleared your house of clutter in 4 or 5 hours. Now, bin it and file
it as appropriate. Do this with your wardrobes and clear clothes that
you haven’t worn for more than six months. Once the whole house
is done, sit back and wallow in the feeling of emptiness. It’s
a great feeling, your mind will be freer, your soul will feel lighter and your
thoughts will be free to concentrate on your desires.

Do this at work as well. Clear the inbox, clear the in tray and shred
the paper you don’t need. It’s better to do this when nobody
is in the office so you won’t be disturbed and it will take less time.

This is one of the best tips to clear your mind and lighten the spirit. It
also has the knock on benefit of being able to manifest your desires quicker
as your mind is freer and cleaner to concentrate more.

sosial politik